Santa Cruz community currencies project (SCccp)
community way - Personal Registration Form

To register you must at a minimum fill out the high-lighted fields: an Account ID, a last name, and a mailing address. (If you do not see highlighted text your browser is not CSS compatible. Sorry about that.) Choose your Account ID carefully as it will be much used. Use only lower case letters and numbers, 8 characters maximum. It is best to use just a few letters that other people will associate with your business and that is easy to remember.

First Name: (OK to include middle initial or name.)
Last Name: Account ID:
Street or P.O. Box:
City: State: Zip:

Community way transactions are best carried out by e-mail and the Web page. The use of a PIN (only letters and numbers, 4 maximum) is advisable for recording transactions by e-mail or the Web page. Enter information below as appropriate.

E-mail address: PIN:
Voice Phone: Fax Phone:

For each of the following categories please enter "em" for e-mail, "sm" for standard mail, "ph" for phone, or "fx" for fax. Please select a preferred method of contact for (1) your monthly statements, (2) recording transactions, and (3) other communications. If you put "em" as one of your choices please put "wa" for Word attachements or "pt" for plain text.

Monthly statements: Transactions: Other communications: Word/plain text: